
Consultant Microbiologist and Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer in Medical Microbiology

Research Interests:

Microbiology and Microbiome interactions
S. aureus
Innate Immunity
C. difficile Dysbiosis
Mycobacterium Species

Projects/ grants:

MRC (Doctoral training program in precision medicine) – Role of intestinal microbiota in Clostridium difficile infection and recurrence


Olga has a passion for transmitting and sharing knowledge with the future generations of Doctors. She contributes to undergraduate teaching in the University of Edinburgh medical school as well as with the IDEAL course.

Key Publications:



Differential response to bacteria, and TOLLIP expression, in the human respiratory tract.  OL Moncayo-Nieto, Mairi Brittan, Tom S Wilkinson, Richard O Jones, …, John Simpson. BMJ Open Respir Res 2014 Sep 11;1(1):e000046. 


Primary type II alveolar epithelial cells respond differentially to bacterial virulence factors. OL Moncayo-Nieto, M. Brittan, T. Wilkinson, A. Conway Morris, K. Dhaliwal, W. Walker and A.J. Simpson. Thorax, December 2010; 65 Suppl IV: A38

Diagnostic importance of pulmonary interleukin-1β and interleukin-8 in ventilator-associated pneumonia. Conway Morris, K. Kefala, T. Wilkinson, OL Moncayo-Nieto, …, and A J. Simpson. Thorax, March 2010, 65, 201-207

Further Publications:


Improving the use of sputum cultures in Lower Respiratory Tract Infection. OL Moncayo-Nieto, P.A. Reid, I. Laurenson and J. Simpson. Journal of Royal College of physicians of Edinburgh 2013.


Acinetobacter baumannii lipopolysaccharides are potent stimulators of human monocyte activation via Toll-like receptor 4 signalling. OL Moncayo-Nieto, C. Erridge,  R. Morgan, M. Young and I.R. Poxton. Journal of Medical Microbiology. Feb 2007, 56: 165-171


Sputum culture: is it worth the effort? OL Moncayo, IF Laurenson, M Sutherland, AJ Simpson. Thorax 2004, 59 (Suppl II), ii22.


Apoptosis and autoimmunity. OL Moncayo. Universitas Medica, 1996, 31, 172-78.