Dr Ellen Surgue was successful in her application to the CIRG conference fund allowing her to attend and present her research at the ECCMID conference in Copenhagen. Ellen describes her reflection on attending the conference below. We are delighted she enjoyed her experience and we are proud to continue supporting the development of our CIRG staff.

I attended the European Congress of infectious Diseases and clinical microbiology in Copenhagen this year thanks to funding from the clinical infection research group.

I attended a number of excellent talks with a highlight being the clinical grand round. This consisted of 6 infectious disease clinicians discussing complex cases from around the world. The cases discussed were excellent and it was great to see the diagnostic process of these consultants. Other great talks were the year in infectious diseases update and the key note talk about updates in treatment of cryptococcal meningitis. It was interesting to see the active research in infection and the diversity of pathways that people have taken in their careers.

My presentation was a case series of fusobacterium species. This case series aimed to further characterise the clinical syndromes associated with this bacterial species. It was really helpful to attend and see the different approaches to presentation that other delegates had chosen. Also to discuss with other clinicians cases they were presenting.

Overall I had a wonderful experience at ECCMID and would hope to continue to attend as I continue my training in infectious diseases. “

– Dr Ellen Sugrue