We are delighted to share Dr Michael Hopkin’s reflection and recently completing the the NIHR Associate Principal Investigator Scheme for the project “Improving Outcomes in Necrotising Otitis Externa (IONOE)” within our CIRG research portfolio.

I completed my Associate Principal Investigator (API) scheme over a 6-month period between September 2022 and March 2023 for the Improving Outcomes in Necrotising Otitis Externa (IONOE) Study. For me, the API scheme was a great platform to allow me to dip my toes into the world of research. It allowed me to take on the role and duties of a PI, whilst having a supervisor available to ask for advice on process, or call upon their invaluable experience when required. For the most part, it largely formalised the work that was already being done. However, the NIHR API checklist and reminder system was highly effective in prompting certain aspects of the study that may otherwise have gone unattended to. For me this included ensuring I achieved widespread dissemination of information about the study to all possible interested specialties within the health board as well as making sure I maintained regular meeting with the rest of the local research team.

I would certainly recommend this scheme to others, especially those who a relatively new to, and interested in clinical research. Within the IONOE API scheme, we were fortunate enough to have a proactive and involved clinical study coordinator who ensured all the APIs on this scheme met up online every couple of months to share our experiences and learn from one another. It is also nice to receive a certificate at the end of it all, for the hard work you have put in

We are pleased Dr Hopkins enjoyed his experience. We remain committed to continue supporting our associate staff in their professional growth,

Click Here for more information about the NIHR Associate Principal Investigator Scheme