The EuroSIDA study is a prospective observational cohort study of 23,000+ patients followed in 100+ clinics in 35 European countries, Israel and Argentina. The study is the largest pan-European cohort study and few studies of a comparable design are available on a global scale. The EuroSIDA study is an ongoing collaboration and patients have been enrolled into the study through 11 cohorts since 1994.
The main objective of the study remains the same as in 1994: to prospectively study, clinical, therapeutic, demographic, virological and laboratory data from HIV-1 positive persons across Europe in order to determine their long-term virological, immunological and clinical outcomes.
Historically, EuroSIDA has been crucial in reporting key changes in the HIV epidemic, such as the dramatic changes in morbidity and mortality when combination anti-retroviral therapy (cART) was first introduced. As new anti-HCV treatment is introduced to HIV/HCV co-infected patients, it is important for EuroSIDA to remain in the forefront of investigating the treatment benefits and adverse effects.
All study documents, study status, newsletters, scientific publications and presentations are available online and are updated continuously at project website.
In general terms, the objective of the EuroSIDA study is to continue a long-term, prospective collection of clinical, laboratory and therapeutic data as well as plasma on a large cohort of consecutive HIV infected patients from across Europe in order to (1) assess the factors associated with the clinical, immunological and virological course of HIV infection and HIV-related co-infections and co-morbidities, and (2) continue to provide and develop a surveillance system to describe temporal changes and regional differences in the clinical course of HIV and HIV-related co-infections and co-morbidities in Europe.